Volunteer for Research
Finding a Study
There are multiple ways to find research participant opportunities. Click through the links below to find a study that may be right for you.
Search for research opportunities at Trials@Hopkins
COVID-19 Research
COVID-19 Prevention Clinical Trials are recruiting to study prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection in people at risk (household contacts of infected people, healthcare workers, and others). Click the link to learn about the available studies and to contact the study teams.
COVID-19 Treatment Clinical Trials are recruiting to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection in hospitalized and non-hospitalized people. Click the link to learn about the available studies and to contact the study teams.
COVID-19 Healthcare Worker Studies In an effort to learn more about the experiences of employees, multiple Johns Hopkins and national research protocols are inviting health care workers and other employees to participate in research and public health surveillance activities. Click the link to navigate to the Johns Hopkins ICTR Website for Healthcare Worker Studies.
HIV/AIDS Research
Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) lists a number of studies related to HIV infection and AIDS. Or call the CFAR hotline, M-F, 9 am-5 PM, 410-487-3511
AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) is a network of HIV clinical trials. For local information, contact Ilene Wiggins, 410-614-2766 or email iwiggin1@jhmi.edu.
HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) is a worldwide collaborative clinical trials network that develops and tests the safety and efficacy of interventions designed to prevent the transmission of HIV. For local information, contact Ilene Wiggins, 410-614-2766 or email iwiggin1@jhmi.edu.
International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Network (IMPAACT) is a global collaboration organized for the purpose of evaluating interventions to treat and prevent HIV infection and its consequences in infants, children, adolescents, and pregnant/postpartum women through the conduct of high quality clinical trials. For local information, contact Thuy Anderson, 443-287-8942 or email tander34@jhmi.edu
Studies are also listed on Trials@Hopkins
Controls/Healthy Volunteers
HIV negative participants are often recruited to act as controls for studies. Interested persons are encouraged to contact the study coordinator to discuss volunteering as an HIV negative participant.
Hepatitis Research
The Johns Hopkins Center for Viral Hepatitis has research studies for treatment of Hepatitis B or C, and has studies where no medication is involved. Most studies offer participant compensation. To learn about our available hepatitis studies, please call our team at 410-955-7538 or email viralhep_trials@jhmi.edu. Studies are also listed on Trials@Hopkins.
General Infectious Diseases Research
Clinical Trials Unit at Johns Hopkins Bayview lists studies currently enrolling and the contact person.
Trials@Hopkins is a searchable online database of the clinical research taking place right now at Johns Hopkins.
MyChart patient portal may send recruitment messages to specific patients receiving medical care through Johns Hopkins
ClinicalTrials.gov is a free federal listing of clinical research trials across the United States
Research Participant Advocate
The Research Participant Advocate is a free resource to improve the research participant experience. To contact the Research Participant Advocate, contact Liz Martinez at liz@jhmi.edu or 410-614-6323
The Advocate can:
- Be an independent witness for the consent process
- Serve on the volunteer’s behalf in the case of a misunderstanding between the volunteer and study team