
TB and NTM Education

The Center for TB Research 

 The Center for TB Research contributes to global tuberculosis control through innovative research and training: From Bench to Bedside and Beyond.

TB Clinical and Epidemiology Lunch meeting

Held every Thursday, 12:20-1:20 PM in the Cancer Research Building 2 (CRB 2), 1550 Orleans St., 1M.13, Baltimore, MD.  Lunch is provided, bring your own beverage.  This weekly meeting highlights current research of our faculty and trainees.  To be added to the email announcement list, contact Jonathan Golub.

Center for TB Research Annual Scientific Meeting 

 The next conference is scheduled for June 2019 in Baltimore.

This meeting brings together clinicians and researchers dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of tuberculosis.  The day includes the Annual Maria Nikitin Memorial Address, student, fellow, and faculty presentations; and acknowledgment of the Arthur M. Dannenberg Award, which recognizes outstanding accomplishment in TB research by a trainee.

TB Monthly Teaching Forum 

 Through collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health Education and the UCLA Olive view TB Unit, Maunank Shah, MD, PhD hosts a monthly webcast focused on the clinical management of complex TB and Multi Drug Resistant Tb (MDR-TB) cases.  Archived clinical case discussions are available online.

TB Training at BSPH 

 Faculty from the Center for TB Research present a course for students enrolled in the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health (BSPH).  Epidemiologic Basis for Tuberculosis Control (340.612.01) is offered in the first quarter onsite, third quarter online and online in the summer.