Funding Our Future
While many of the investigators in the Division of Infectious Diseases receive grant funding for their research, there are other critical activities that rely primarily on private donations. Individual support is essential to innovative research, training the next generation, and promoting the highest standards of clinical care.
Our enormous success in research, education and patient care produce an environment where small investments can yield high returns. We hope, with your help, to achieve these goals with our capital:
- Ensure the division can invest in the education of our talented young trainees
- Honor individuals who have devoted their lives to certain areas of research and patient care
- Provide funds that will strengthen and expand our clinical care efforts
- Ensure resources are effectively managed
- Implement data driven strategies which produce the desired results
With these goals in mind, we have highlighted several of our efforts below. As always, we are extremely grateful to those who have contributed.
Designated Gift Funds
You can make your gift online directly to any of the funds listed below by using our secure giving form and selecting your preferred fund from the drop down menu.
Center for Community and Global Health in Infectious Diseases
The mission of the Johns Hopkins Center for Community and Global Health in Infectious Diseases (CCGHE-ID) is to improve health and equity, locally and abroad, through infectious diseases scientific research, training, advocacy, and service. The CCGHE-ID engages in projects that focus primarily on three main health concerns and the ways in which they impact communities: HIV, COVID-19, and mental health.
Center for Infectious Diseases in India
The Center for Infectious Diseases in India (CIDI) is committed to improving health outcomes and to ensuring equitable access to healthcare among people in India who have or are at risk for infectious diseases through research, education, and community-based outreach. The CIDI seeks to address comorbidities that complicate infectious diseases treatment; treatment among people during stages of life that are understudied; inclusive care strategies for marginalized, vulnerable, and underserved populations; and barriers to care, like social stigma and gender-based violence.
Center for Innovative Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases
The Center for Innovative Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases (CIDID) aims to promote the development of accessible infectious disease diagnostics through multidisciplinary innovation along the development pipeline from research to impact in different global settings. The CIDID works to identify promising emerging technologies, particularly those that are affordable and useful in resource-limited settings, with the goal of shortening the time it takes to bring these diagnostic tools to market.
Dave & Suzanne Thomas Lectureship
Established by ID faculty in 2022, the Thomas Lectureship honors the Thomas family for their enduring commitment to and impact on patient health and equity globally, and for fostering curiosity, passion, and advancement in the field of infectious diseases among those whose lives they’ve touched.
Fisher Center Clinical Research & Education Fund
The Fisher Center Clinical Research & Education Fund is dedicated to the clinical research of infectious diseases associated with the environmental through air, water, soil, built environments, or vector-borne transmission.
Hepatitis Patient Care Fund
The Hepatitis Patient Care Fund is used to help remove barriers to the treatment of viral hepatitis such as co-payments, access to care, and transportation for our patients. The goal is to provide the best care for every patient of the Johns Hopkins Viral Hepatitis Center, regardless of the ability to pay.
HIV/AIDS Patient Care Fund
This fund supports direct patient care needs, including medication copays, durable medical equipment, and transportation to and from appointments, as well as to staff training and morale primarily for our outpatient clinic.
Pamela Tucker Fund
Pamela Tucker’s determination, energy, and commitment to excellence as a physician and teacher enriched the Johns Hopkins community until her untimely death in November 2000. In her memory, the Pamela Cresson Tucker Fund promotes education efforts focused on research into the infectious complications of the immunocompromised host, particularly transplant medicine and oncology.
Zero TB in Tibetan Kids
The Zero TB in Tibetan Kids Fund works to reduce the rates of TB in Tibetan refugees residing in India through the implementation of a model system of TB care. Project activities include community awareness building, active TB case finding, TB case management, and a preventive therapy program.
Other Giving Options
To direct your gift to any of the following funds, use our secure giving form and select “Other-please specify” from the drop down menu.
Building Bridges for a Healthier India
Building Bridges for a Healthier India fosters growth of India leaders in global health; expands Indo-JHU partnerships in clinical care, health education, and research; supports Indian scientists to generate and lead innovative and transformative research projects to optimize health improvements; develops novel e-learning and mobile health training programs; and diversifies support to reduce dependence on research grant-based funding.
Chuck Spoler Fund
The Chuck Spoler Fund provides direct support for patients undergoing treatment for Hepatitis C.
The Division of Infectious Diseases Fund
The Division of Infectious Diseases Fund supports the research, education, and patient care missions of the Division of Infectious Diseases.
Generation Tomorrow: Summer Health Disparity Scholars
Generation Tomorrow: Summer Health Disparity Scholars is as a 10-week summer program for undergraduate students interested in HIV and/or HCV health disparities and their intersection with substance use, violence, mental health, and the social determinants of health. The program offers mentorship and training in HIV/HCV education, testing, and counseling; health disparities; cultural competence; and harm reduction. The participants also engage in community outreach. The program has a special focus on undergraduate students that are underrepresented in nursing, public health, and medicine with an emphasis on first generation college students and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Dr. John Bartlett HIV/AIDS Fund
Dr. John Bartlett HIV/AIDS Fund supports young trainees and junior faculty in the division, helping them transition to their independent careers.
John Bartlett Specialty Practice Fund
John Bartlett Specialty Practice Fund supports clinical activities for the entire ID practice, including patient and staff activities.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health
The Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health, established in 2006, is a University-wide center focused on global health activities. The center’s mission is to facilitate and focus the extensive expertise and resources of the Johns Hopkins institutions together with global collaborators to effectively address and ameliorate the world’s most pressing health issues.
Michael Del Bianco Fund
The Michael Del Bianco Fund provides direct funding for HIV patient care needs not supported by other means, such as medications, housing, or other expenses.
Methods of Payment

Mail your giving form to:
Kara Hurley
Johns Hopkins University and Medicine
Attn: Department of Medicine
PO Box 49143
Baltimore, MD 21297-9143