
TB and NTM Research Centers of Excellence

Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Image Source: CDC

As a bacterial disease that can attack multiple organ systems, research and clinical care of tuberculosis (TB) and Nontuberculosis Mycobacteria (NTM) require a multifaceted approach. Persons with weakened immune systems are especially susceptible to developing overt disease related to TB and NTM.

The following Johns Hopkins University Centers of Excellence undertake basic and clinical research in the field of TB and NTM.

Johns Hopkins Center for Tuberculosis Research

The Center for TB Research contributes to global tuberculosis control through innovative research and training: From Bench to Bedside and Beyond.

Richard Ernest Chaisson, MD is the Director and William R. Bishai, MD, PhD is the Co-Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Tuberculosis Research.

Johns Hopkins Center for Infection and Inflammation Imaging Research

The Center for Infection and Inflammation Imaging Research uses non-invasive imaging to augment the investigation of various disease processes in fields such as Oncology, Infectious Diseases and Inflammation.  Advances in molecular imaging provide unparalleled opportunities for combined anatomic and functional imaging.

The Center is located within the Cancer Research Building-II Animal Facilities and run by faculty members from the Departments of Pediatrics, Medicine and Radiology.  The Center also collaborates with the Center for Imaging Science for the development of advanced imaging tools Additional nuclear imaging instruments are also available at the Edward D. Miller Research Building.

Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)

The Johns Hopkins University Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) promotes inter-disciplinary innovation and collaboration for creating synergy and efficiencies across disciplines and university divisions and partner institutions, including the mid-Atlantic CFAR Consortium.  CFAR Aims:

1) To develop a new generation of HIV/AIDS researchers and recruit under-represented minorities into the HIV/AIDS field

2) To recruit new investigator from relevant disciplines in HIV/AIDS research to address the growing need for knowledge in emerging areas that affect the AIDS epidemic

3) To enhance the productivity by promoting transdisciplinary innovation, integration, and collaboration

4) To mobilize the capabilities and capacity of Johns Hopkins University to combat  the HIV epidemic in Baltimore through training, outreach, and community-based intervention studies.

Richard Chaisson, MD is the Director of JHU CFAR and is the Co-director, Sub-Saharan Africa Working Group.

Center for Community and Global HEalth in Infectious Diseases (CCGHE-ID)

The Center for Community and Global HEalth in Infectious Diseases (CCGHE-ID) works to improve health and equity, locally and abroad, through infectious diseases scientific research, training, advocacy, and service.

The CCGHE-ID approach:

1) Conduct impactful scientific research on infectious diseases

2) Mentor and train researchers and practitioners in infectious diseases

3) Advocate for health equity in infectious diseases

4) Deliver infectious diseases services to disadvantaged populations

Center for Health Disparities Solutions

The Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions (HCHDS) brings together the health research and program development resources of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes (Schools of Public Health, Medicine, and Nursing) to demonstrate the efficacy of public health, social science, and medical science in mitigating health disparities.  We do this through efforts in research, training, and community outreach.  The Center has a national focus, but much of our work takes place in the local Baltimore community.