
Biography of John G. Bartlett, MD

Dr. John G. Bartlett HIV/AIDS Fund

John G. Bartlett, MD

The friends, family, and colleagues of Dr. John Bartlett have joined together to establish The John Bartlett HIV/AIDS Fund. Dr. Bartlett spent 25 years at Johns Hopkins University leading the School of Medicine’s worldwide efforts to understand, prevent and treat AIDS. He was the first to direct clinical trials in Baltimore of new treatments that prevent HIV from replicating, and he pioneered the development of dedicated inpatient and outpatient medical care for HIV-infected patients. Bartlett co-chaired the national committee that drafted the first and all subsequent treatment guidelines for HIV-infected patients. He counsels numerous medical societies and health ministries around the world on infectious diseases in general and on AIDS specifically.

Bartlett’s major research interests have dealt with anaerobic infections, pathogenic mechanisms of Bacteroides fragilis, anaerobic pulmonary infections and Clostridium difficile-associated colitis. Since joining Hopkins in 1980, he has focused on HIV/AIDS, managed care of patients with HIV infection and, most recently, bioterrorism. He has authored 470 articles, 282 book chapters and 61 editions of 14 books.

Most importantly, Dr. Bartlett is an acclaimed educator and medical school teacher. It is therefore only appropriate that we honor him by creating an endowment that will provide support for young trainees and junior faculty in the Division, helping them transition to their independent careers.